MySQL Workbench – Problematica su ProcessList 


[3 Feb 16:10] Adam Latchem 

Using MySQL Workbench 8.0.28 I was able to fix this by changing line modules\


                             (“DB“, mforms.StringColumnType, “DB”, 100), 


                             (“db“, mforms.StringColumnType, “DB”, 100), 


The proposed solution “[3 Feb 16:10] Adam Latchem” worked for me, in the context of MySQL Workbench connecting to a MariaDB database. The fix (for definiteness) is to edit the file C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE\modules\ at line 346, to change it from 

(“DB”, mforms.StringColumnType, “DB”, 100), 


(“db”, mforms.StringColumnType, “DB”, 100), 

(note change of case in first argument). 



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